Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Brownian Motion & Albert Einstein


PRE-REQUISITE : A fundamental understanding of Brownian motion.

“No one before or since has widened the horizons of physics in so short a time as Einstein did in 1905”
--Abraham Pais in his biography of Einstein.

How has the analysis of Brownian motion & of its subsequent generalizations contributed to human knowledge?
            Even a minute part of the remarkably diverse list of applications that have emerged over the past 100 years is astonishing. The Brownian motion is relevant to varied fields of study like
n      Polymers in solution
n      Chemically reacting molecules
n      Neutrons in a nuclear reactor
n      Clouds
n      Sand piles
n      Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory
n      Fluctuations of the stock market
n      Avalanches
n      Fundamental issues in the theory of probability
n      Star clusters
n      Animal herds
n      Insect swarms
n      Techniques of computation

and so on. In 1900 Louis Bachelier had worked out the mathematical part that underlies the concept of Brownain motion in his doctoral thesis, in connection with an attempt to model the changing prices of shares in the stockmarket. Mathematicians such as A.N.Kolmogorov and Norbert Wiener has used his thesis as progenitor for many deep results in the theory of probability.

Can we identify the most intense and sustained mental effort by a single person leading to the most profound results?
                        A unique answer cannot be given. Newton, Darwin and Einstein, when they scaled their respective heights, changed something forever. Their discoveries separate distinct eras in humankind’s understanding of the universe.

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